Stamford/SW CT

Featured Event:

Bravery, Resilience and Using Your Voice

Join us on October 7th as Cheryl Stallworth and Melissa Dougherty, founding partners of ShedLight, discuss why marketing research and analytics are more important than ever and how you can use your voice and your work to create more inclusive and prosperous communities, companies and brands.

Thank you to our sponsors!
Featured Event:

Launch Event: Reenergize for Fall

SW Connecticut, you won't want to miss this! Join us for our inaugural meetup of the WIRe Stamford/SW Connecticut chapter!

Thank you to our sponsors!
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Past events in
Stamford/SW CT

Launch Event: Reenergize for Fall

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Local Event Leadership

upcoming special event sponsorship opportunities

WIRe events are hosted by WIRe's Global event lead community. We are currently seeking new leadership in this chapter. Reach out for more information on becoming a WIRe event lead!
April 2025: Quirk's Chicago
‍April 2025: IIEX NA Happy Hour
May 2025: WIRexec Leadership Summit US

Email for more information.
WIRe events are hosted by WIRe's Global event lead community. Reach out for more information on becoming a WIRe event lead!
Connnect with WIRe Event team

Sponsor a WIRe event in your city!

Email your local event lead using the information above or contact Jessica Sage to receive more information.

Current Event Sponsors